Where to Find the Perfect Outdoor Venue for Your Special Event in Clark County

Are you looking for a beautiful outdoor venue for your special event in Clark County? The Clark County Parks and Recreation Department has plenty of options available. Learn more about availability and rental fees.

Where to Find the Perfect Outdoor Venue for Your Special Event in Clark County

Are you looking for the perfect place to host your special event in Clark County? Whether it's a concert, ceremony, theatrical production, public meeting or wedding reception, the Clark County Parks and Recreation Department has the perfect venue for you. The Clark County Government Center Amphitheater is a great option for outdoor events. With its stunning backdrop and ample space, it's the perfect setting for concerts, festivals or fairs. Unfortunately, this property is owned by the Bureau of Land Management, so it cannot be rented out.

However, with the approval of both BLM and you, it can be used and overseen by the Clark County Office of Special Events. If you're looking for a more intimate setting for your wedding or reception, there are plenty of other options available. Clark County has a variety of parks and recreation areas that can be rented out for special events. From lush green spaces to picturesque lakeside views, there's something to suit every taste. All you need to do is contact the Parks and Recreation Department to find out more about availability and rental fees. When planning an outdoor event in Clark County, it's important to remember that there are certain restrictions in place.

For example, alcohol is not allowed in any public parks or recreation areas. Additionally, all events must be approved by the county before they can take place. This includes obtaining a permit from the Office of Special Events. So if you're looking for a beautiful outdoor venue for your special event in Clark County, there are plenty of options available. Just make sure to follow all local regulations and obtain the necessary permits before proceeding.

Kristine Jojola
Kristine Jojola

Hipster-friendly tv buff. Incurable web practitioner. Incurable beer advocate. Incurable pop culture nerd. Passionate social media fan.