Getting Married in Clark County, WA: How to Apply for a Marriage License

Learn how to apply for a marriage license in Clark County, WA. Find out what documents are needed and what steps must be taken before getting married.

Getting Married in Clark County, WA: How to Apply for a Marriage License

Getting married is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. If you're planning to tie the knot in Clark County, Washington, you'll need to apply for a marriage license. Here's what you need to know about the process.To apply for a marriage license in Clark County, both parties must be present at the office with a valid, government-issued photo ID. You can complete the application online using the link provided on the Clark County website.

If you need certified copies of your certificate, you can complete the request form and provide payment (check, cashier's check, or money order) and send it by mail.If you need certified copies right away, call the Recording Office at 564-397-2208 to make arrangements. A marriage license issued by Clark County is valid for 60 days after it is issued and can be used throughout the state of Washington. If either party is under the age of 17, parental consent is required.You can also purchase a classic wedding kit from Clark County. This kit includes all of the necessary items for your wedding ceremony.

You don't need to be a former or active resident of Clark County or Washington County to obtain a marriage license.Once you have your marriage license, there is a mandatory 3-day waiting period before the wedding can take place. If you are cousins, you cannot get a marriage license in Clark County or anywhere else in Washington. Clark County summers tend to be hot, so if you want to beat the heat, consider having your wedding later in summer or fall.If you have any questions about how to obtain a marriage license in Clark County, contact the office that issues marriage licenses for more information. With all of this information in hand, you'll be ready to start planning your special day!.

Kristine Jojola
Kristine Jojola

Hipster-friendly tv buff. Incurable web practitioner. Incurable beer advocate. Incurable pop culture nerd. Passionate social media fan.